Legal Street Art Wall

DMC ‘Her Redundant Heart’ St Andrews Lane, Dublin 2

We’re answering questions put on the pivotdublin.com blog by recent guest curators le cool Dublin which you can see here. One topic they asked about is street art in the city.

Having discussed this with the Planning Department and the Arts Office we can advise that the Council doesn’t have a zero tolerance approach to street art and there are a number of high visibility street art works around the city. Note that this is street art as distinct from tagging.

For private properties a mural is between the private property owner and the artist so long as there isn’t a planning issue. A planning issue will arise if there is any commercial or product promotion involved (in which case it is advertising which will require planning permission), if the building is a Protected Structure (will require planning) or if it will materially or significantly change the appearance of the building (e.g. painting a previously unpainted brick building). If there is any doubt about the planning issues the Planning Department are happy to take queries.

Finally for proposals for street art on properties owned by the Council, the public art officer in the Arts Office can be contacted and they would be happy to discuss.