Approved Part 8 Planning Permission for a New Library in Drimnagh / Cead Pleanála Cuid 8 Ceadaithe do Leabharlann Nua i nDroimeanach

Computer generated image of proposed Library Garden. Credit: Concrete Clouds / Íomhá ríomhghinte de Ghairdín na Leabharlainne atá beartaithe. Aitheantas: Scamaill Coincréite

City Architects are delighted that the proposed new library in Drimnagh, which has been designed in-house, received Part 8 planning approval this week. The proposed development is located at 314-318 Crumlin Road and on Rafter’s Lane, within the grounds of a former school, Ard Scoil Éanna.

The approved development is for a new single storey and partial two storey branch library building. Totalling 841 sqm in area, the library will comprise a combined adult and junior library space, public study space, an events room, meeting rooms and other ancillary spaces on the ground floor, while the first floor will comprise a reading room, meeting rooms and staff spaces.

Conservation repair works and alterations are proposed to Ard Scoil Éanna House (a protected structure), originally a farmhouse dwelling and subsequently part of a complex of school buildings. The change of use of Ardscoil Éanna House is from school use to café use on the ground floor, and library use on the first floor.

The grounds of the library are to be landscaped to form an accessible public realm. The new Library building is designed to present a welcoming and distinct identity onto Crumlin Road, with the new library building and Ard Scoil Éanna framing a new green open space.

A new north-south pedestrian route will link Crumlin Road to Rafter’s Lane. At the rear of the site, a modern retaining wall is to be removed and replaced with steps and an accessible ramp to resolve the site level difference. This will allow views and pedestrian access to the rear of the site from Rafter Lane.

Site layout diagram / Léaráid leagan amach an tsuímh

Now that planning permission has been granted, Dublin City Libraries intend to proceed with the detailed design stage as the project moves towards construction.

Client: Dublin City Libraries
Architects: Dublin City Council-City Architects Department
Conservation Architect: Dublin City Council-City Architects Department
Landscape Architect: Áit
Civil Engineers: Punch Consulting Engineers
Quantity Surveyors: Levins Associates
Perspective Images: Concrete Clouds

Tá ríméad ar Ailtirí na Cathrach go bhfuair an leabharlann nua atá beartaithe i nDroimeanach, a dearadh go hinmheánach, cead pleanála Cuid 8 an tseachtain seo. Tá an fhorbairt bheartaithe suite ag 314-318 Bóthar Chromghlinne agus ar Lána Uí Reachtúir, laistigh de thailte iar-scoile, Ard Scoil Éanna.

Baineann an fhorbairt cheadaithe le foirgneamh leabharlainne brainse nua aon stóir agus dhá stór páirteach ar achar. Iomlán de 841 m.ch, beidh an leabharlann comhdhéanta de spás leabharlainne comhcheangailte do dhaoine fásta agus do dhaoine óga, spás staidéir phoiblí, seomra imeachtaí, seomraí cruinnithe agus spásanna coimhdeacha eile ar urlár na talún agus beidh seomra léitheoireachta, seomraí cruinnithe agus spásanna foirne ar an gcéad urlár.

Tá oibreacha deisiúcháin agus athruithe caomhnaithe beartaithe do Theach Ard Scoil Éanna (struchtúr faoi chosaint), a bhí ina theach cónaithe feirme ar dtús agus a bhí mar chuid de choimpléasc foirgneamh scoile ina dhiaidh sin. Baineann athrú úsáide Theach Ardscoil Éanna lena thiontú ó úsáid scoile go caifé ar urlár na talún, agus úsáid leabharlainne ar an gcéad urlár.

Tá tailte na leabharlainne le tírdhreachú chun ríocht phoiblí inrochtana a chruthú. Tá foirgneamh nua na Leabharlainne deartha chun féiniúlacht fháilteach agus shainiúil a chur i láthair ar Bhóthar Chromghlinne, le foirgneamh nua na leabharlainne agus Ard Scoil Éanna thart timpeall ar spás oscailte glas nua.

Nascfaidh bealach nua do choisithe thuaidh-theas Bóthar Chromghlinne le Lána Uí Reachtúir. Ar chúl an tsuímh, tá balla coinneála nua-aimseartha le baint agus céimeanna agus rampa inrochtana le cur ina ionad chun difríocht leibhéal an tsuímh a réiteach. Leis seo, beidh radhairc agus rochtain do choisithe ar chúl an tsuímh ó Lána Uí Reachtúir.

Anois agus cead pleanála deonaithe, tá sé i gceist ag Leabharlanna Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath dul ar aghaidh le céim an deartha mhionsonraithe de réir mar a théann an tionscadal i dtreo na tógála.

Ground Floor Landscape Master Plan. Credit: Áit / Máistirphlean Tírdhreacha Urlár na Talún. Aitheantas: Áit

Leabharlanna Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath
Ailtirí: Comhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath – Roinn Ailtirí na Cathrach
Ailtire Caomhnaithe: Comhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath – Roinn Ailtirí na Cathrach
Ailtire Tírdhreacha: Áit
Innealtóirí Sibhialta: Punch Consulting Engineers
Suirbhéirí Cainníochta: Levins Associates
Íomhánna Peirspictíochta: Scamaill Coincréite