Overview of Indicative Proposal
Image credit : DMOD Architects
In early 2019 Dublin City Council appointed an urban design team, led by DMOD Architects, to prepare a Development Framework Plan for the optimum model of redevelopment of lands at Emmet Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8. These lands include the site of the former Saint Michael’s Estate. The plan sets out a framework for the provision of a diverse range of homes with a mix of community and commercial accommodation designed around new public open spaces.
The scale of the redevelopment provides a great opportunity to achieve these mixed uses with quality of place in a highly sustainable way.
Lands at Emmet Road
Image Credit: Google Earth: 2019 Imagery
For the Development Framework Plan, the design team examined the Emmet Road lands, the site context and the local community, carried out extensive engagement with the various Dublin City Council departments, and set out the parameters of the Dublin City Council briefing for optimum development.
The Development Framework Plan is intended to be a balanced response to competing considerations of affordability, sustainability, development standards, mobility, safety and placemaking of quality. The proposal is predominantly residential in nature, supplemented and supported by community facilities, a neighbourhood centre with retail fronting onto Emmet Road. The residential accommodation is proposed to be a mix of Social Housing and Cost Rental Housing, which is a new initiative for Dublin City Council.
The scheme has a focus on the northern section of the site addressing Emmet Road with the intention that the facilities will benefit surrounding neighbourhoods as well as the new homes in the development.
Emmet Road Site Plan
Image Credit: DMOD Architects
The Development Framework Plan is an indicative proposal that forms the basis for briefing a design team to progress future development proposals for a new neighbourhood of the highest quality, optimising the development potential of the site in a sustainable manner. When it has been designed to a greater level of detail, this redevelopment proposal will be subject to a planning procedure as set out in Part 10, Section 175 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).
There is an ongoing tender competition through the recently-formed DCC Framework to appoint an integrated design team to design and manage the construction of any proposed development.
Design Team
Design Team Lead, Architects, Urban Designers DMOD Architects
Landscape Mitchell and Associates
Quantity Surveyor Mitchell McDermott
Sustainability Consultant Goku Architecture
Transportation Consultant Martin Peters Associates