Dublin City Council recently launched the results of a new digital twin project, examining different ways to future-proof its social housing stock. A digital twin is a virtual representation using real-time data, which can be used to simulate relationships between factors such as people, buildings and the environment. These virtual models have become a staple in modern engineering to drive innovation and improve performance. City Architects are using the Digital Twin to assess the carbon impact of retrofit strategies aligning with climate action targets for 2030 and 2050, with an initial focus on the Digital Twin subject site, the Dominick Street Lower flat complex. City Architects is now working on a demonstration project at scale to retrofit the three vacant flat blocks at Dominick Street lower guided by the Digital Twin findings and retrofit projects completed or underway.
Recognising the need to meet our emissions reduction targets, our retrofitting targets for social housing and our housing delivery targets, Dublin City Council’s Climate Action Plan team received funding from the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform’s Public Sector Innovation Fund to develop a digital twin model of our social housing flats built in 1962 located on Lower Dominick Street.
Integrated Environmental Solutions Ltd. were engaged to develop the digital twin and assess the full carbon impact of four retrofit strategies over three time periods aligned with our national targets for 2030, 2050 and beyond. The Dublin City Council Climate Resilient Housing Report modelled optimum retrofit strategies for the housing blocks by using weather data, site surveys, the original building drawings and energy and carbon modelling tools.
There is potential for this study to be scaled across different Dublin City Council sites to estimate the carbon impact of renovation scenarios and new developments. The 3D model provided together with this report can be used as a way to visualize the impact of different projects across Dublin, or potentially at other locations too.
The Dublin City Council Digital Twin Modelling for Climate Resilient Housing Report can be viewed here: https://bit.ly/DCCClimateResilientHousingReport
Full Integrated Environmental Solutions Virtual Environment 3D Model. Image: Integrated Environmental Solutions Ltd / Samhail Fhíorúil Comhshaoil 3T iomlán de chuid Integrated Environmental Solutions Íomhá: Integrated Environmental Solutions Ltd
Sheol Comhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath torthaí de thionscadail nua maidir le leathchúpla digiteach, ag scrúdú bealaí éagsúla chun féachaint go seasfaidh a stoc tithíochta sóisialta an aimsir. Is éard atá i leathchúpla digiteach ná léiriú fíorúil ag baint úsáid as sonraí fíor-ama, ar féidir iad a úsáid chun caidrimh a insamhladh idir fachtóirí amhail daoine, foirgnimh agus an comhshaol. Tá na samhlacha fíorúil seo éirithe ina ngnéithe lárnacha san innealtóireacht nua-aimseartha chun nuálaíocht a spreagadh agus chun feidhmíocht a fheabhsú. Tá an Leathchúpla Digiteach in úsáid ag City Architects chun measúnú a dhéanamh ar thionchar carbóin straitéisí iarfheistithe atá ag teacht le spriocanna gníomhaíochta aeráide do 2030 agus 2050, le fócas tosaigh ar shuíomh ábhair an Leathchúpla Dhigitigh, coimpléasc árasán Shráid Dhoiminic Íochtarach. Tá City Architects ag obair anois ar thionscadal léirithe ar scála chun na trí bhloc árasán fholmha ag Sráid Dhoiminic íochtarach a iarfheistiú faoi threoir thorthaí an Leathchúpla Dhigitigh agus na dtionscadal iarfheistithe a cuireadh i gcrích nó atá ar siúl faoi láthair.
Agus aitheantas á thabhairt don ghá lenár spriocanna laghdaithe astaíochtaí a bhaint amach, dár spriocanna iarfheistithe do thithíocht shóisialta agus dár spriocanna seachadta tithíochta, fuair foireann Phlean Gníomhaíochta Aeráide Chomhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath maoiniú ó Chiste Nuálaíochta na hEarnála Poiblí de chuid na Roinne Caiteachais Phoiblí agus Athchóirithe chun samhail dhigiteach a fhorbairt dár n-árasáin ar tithíocht sóisialta iad a tógadh in 1962 atá suite ar Shráid Dhoiminic Íochtarach.
Fostaíodh Integrated Environmental Solutions Ltd. chun an leathchúpla digiteach a fhorbairt agus tionchar iomlán carbóin ceithre straitéis iarfheistithe a mheas thar thrí thréimhse ama atá ailínithe lenár spriocanna náisiúnta do 2030, 2050 agus ina dhiaidh sin. Shamhlaigh Tuarascáil Chomhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath ar Thithíocht atá Seasmhach ó thaobh na hAeráide na straitéisí iarfheistithe ab fhearr do na bloic thithíochta trí úsáid a bhaint as sonraí aimsire, suirbhéanna láithreáin, na líníochtaí foirgnimh bunaidh agus uirlisí samhaltaithe fuinnimh agus carbóin.
Tá an fhéidearthacht ann go ndéanfar an staidéar seo a scálú ar fud láithreáin éagsúla de chuid Chomhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath chun tionchar carbóin na gcásanna athchóirithe agus forbairtí nua a mheas. Is féidir an tsamhail 3D, a chuirtear ar fáil in éineacht leis an tuarascáil seo, a úsáid mar shlí chun tionchar na dtionscadal éagsúil ar fud Bhaile Átha Cliath a shamhlú, nó go fiú ag láithreáin eile freisin.
Is féidir Tuarascáil Chomhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath ar Shamhaltú Leathchúpla Digitigh do Thithíocht atá Seasmhach ó thaobh na hAeráide a fheiceáil anseo: https://bit.ly/DCCClimateResilientHousingReport