DCC is delighted that two of our recently completed housing projects, Dominick Hall and O’Devaney Gardens Regeneration Phase 1, are nominated for the 2024 EUmies Awards. The awards recognise the best built works in Europe completed between April 2021 and May 2024. In January 2024 the 7 jury members will shortlist 40 projects and the winners will be announced in April.
The competition organisers state that the 2024 EUmies awards will reflect on the currents challenges that citizens, architects, clients, developers, policy makers and other professionals are faced with in the context of the European Green Deal. The principal objectives are to achieve a thorough understanding of the transformation of Europe’s built environment; to recognise and commend excellence and innovation in the field of architecture; to accomplish a more sustainable environment, exchanging ideas and experiences on new approaches to sustainability endurance – promoting environmental, social and economic awareness through architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning and design as well as the collaboration with other cultural fields, the arts, and communication.
You can see more about the awards here; https://miesarch.com/archive?editions=19&countries=15
Dominick Hall was designed by Cotter & Naessens Architects and Denis Byrne Architects for Dublin City Council under direction of City Architects. Find out more about Dominick Hall on Dublin City Architects Blog;
Dominick Street Regeneration Project. View looking north along Dominick Street Lower. Image: Paul Tierney/ Tionscadal Athghiniúna Shráid Dhoiminic. Radharc ó thuaidh feadh Shráid Dhoiminic Íochtarach. Íomhá: Paul Tierney
O’Devaney Gardens was designed by Dublin City Architects. Find out more about O’Devaney Gardens Phase 1 on Dublin City Architects Blog
O’Devaney Gardens. View of terraced house. Image: Niall O’Connell / Ghairdíní Uí Dhuibheannaigh. Radharc ar theach sraithe. Íomhá: Niall O’Connell.
Tá lúcháir ar Chomhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath gur ainmníodh dhá cheann dár dtionscadail tithíochta, Halla Dhoiminic agus Athnuachan Ghairdíní Uí Dhuibheannaigh Céim 1, do Dhámhachtain EUMies 2024. Tugann an dámhachtain aitheantas do na hoibreacha is fearr tógtha a críochnaíodh idir Aibreán 2021 agus Bealtaine 2024. In Eanáir 2024 gearrliostóidh 7 mball an ghiúiré 40 tionscadal agus fógrófar na buaiteoirí i Mí Aibreáin.
Maíonn eagraithe an chomórtais go léireoidh dámhachtain EUMies 2024 na dúshláin reatha a bhíonn roimh shaoránaigh, ailtirí, cliaint, forbróirí, lucht déanta polasaithe agus gairmithe eile i gcomhthéacs Mhargadh Ghlas na hEorpa. Is iad na príomhchuspóirí ná tuiscint chuimsitheach a fháil ar an athrú ar thimpeallacht thógtha na hEorpa; aitheantas a thabhairt d’fheabhas agus nuálaíocht i réimse na hailtireachta agus é a mholadh; timpeallacht níos inmharthana a bhaint amach, smaointe agus taithí ar chur chuige nua do sheasmhacht inbhuanaitheachta a roinnt – cur chun cinn eolais timpeallachta, sóisialta agus eacnamaíochta tríd an ailtireacht, an ailtireacht tírdhreacha, pleanáil agus dearadh uirbeach chomh maith le comhoibriú le réimsí cultúrtha eile, na healaíona, agus cumarsáid.
Tuilleadh eolais faoi na dámhachtain ar fáil anseo; https://miesarch.com/archive?editions=19&countries=15
Bhí Halla Dhoiminic deartha ag Cotter & Naessens Architects agus Denis Byrne Architects do Chomhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath faoi threoir Ailtirí na Cathrach. Tuilleadh eolais ar fáil faoi Halla Dhoiminic ar Bhlag Dublin City Architects; http://www.dublincityarchitects.ie/dominick-street-regeneration-project-tionscadal-athghiniuna-shraid-dhoiminic/
Dominick Street Regeneration Project. Birds eye view of the building. Image Niall O’Connell / Tionscadal Athghiniúna Shráid Dhoiminic. Radharc ón spéir ar an bhfoirgneamh. Íomhá Niall O’Connell.
Bhí Gairdíní Uí Dhuibheannaigh deartha ag Ailtirí Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath. Tuilleadh eolais faoi Ghairdíní Uí Dhuibheannaigh Céim 1 ar fáil ar Bhlag Dublin City Architects http://www.dublincityarchitects.ie/odevaney-gardens-regeneration-phase-1-athnuachan-ghairdini-ui-dhuibheannaigh-ceim-1/
O’Devaney Gardens. View of courtyard. Image: Niall O’Connell / Ghairdíní Uí Dhuibheannaigh. Radharc ar chlós. Íomhá: Niall O’Connell.