First round of judging the Ballyfermot Play Park Competition
The Irish Architecture Foundation in collaboration with The Matheson Foundation and Dublin City Council’s Parks Dept continued with the next stage of the competition to design a play and skate space for ‘The Lawns’ in Le Fanu Park, Dublin 10. The ‘Play Park, Ballyfermot’ project is a unique opportunity for an innovative inter-disciplinary design collective, with a passion for working in community contexts to develop a world class play and skate space for the people of Ballyfermot.
After an intense and rewarding day of judging, we are absolutely delighted to announce that the following teams have been selected to move forward to the second round of our design competition!
Y design workshop
Y design workshop is a young and creative Dublin based architectural practice established by Greg Dubiel in 2010.
The “Y design workshop” is a design studio where architecture is seen as a delicate process of defining space. We always explore our ideas and search for unique and creative solutions. We are driven by passion for perfection, carefully crafted, unique concepts, smart and well-tailored function, and the best sustainable and economical solution.
The (why?) is for dialogue, for better understanding, and above all, for the best answers.
Conte Murata Cheung
Conte Murata Cheung is an interdisciplinary design collective based in New York. They work at a variety of scales and across multiple disciplines including architecture, landscape architecture, interiors and product design. Their work aims to engage and reveal the existing beauty and character of each locale, heightening their inherent qualities and latent potentialities.
With a focus on social interaction, their work explores how people can engage each other as well as the spaces around them in unexpected and new ways.
“Through design, we believe we can have a meaningful impact that will improve the experience of our daily lives.”
dmau + Open Fabric
Are a team comprised of Daryl Mulvihill, Reem Saouma, Francesco Garofalo, Barbara Constantino, and Olivier Sobels based in the Netherlands.
dmau is an office for public space design and urban research based in Amsterdam and Openfabric is a landscape architecture office based in Rotterdam. They have worked together over the past few years on a number of award winning playgrounds in Europe. They are interested in creating ‘playscapes’, high quality public spaces where play is integrated into every aspect of the design and in mixing different play elements to create people-centred places for all ages! ¦
Relational Urbanism
Relational Urbanism is a multidisciplinary office practicing architecture, urbanism and local development. It focuses on identifying main questions relating social, environmental and development issues which implies a particular cultural and design response. Its global agenda ranges from large scale metropolitan visions for cities to small scale designs. The multidisciplinary background of the professionals working in the practice contributes to its particular vision for current environmental challenges. Relational Urbanism works extensively in the academia, in practice and research.
These teams will now be asked to take on the feedback from the first stage of judging and consult further with the local community representatives of Ballyfermot before returning an improved design for the second round on Thursday 21st January 2016. The overall winner of the competition will be announced on Friday 29th January 2016.
Jury members pictured above : Amica Dall, Member of Design Collective, Assemble, Diarmaid Lawlor, Head of Urbanism, Architecture and Design Scotland, Ger O’Reilly, Instructor, Ballyfermot Youth Service, Leslie Moore, Head of Parks and Landscaping Division, Dublin City Council, Aimee Harding, Youth Worker and Ballyfermot Resident, Turlough Galvin, The Matheson Foundation and Dr. Ailbhe Murphy, Director of Create.